Davis & Elkins College has been a FDLP member
since December 11, 1913.
Depository Coordinator
Mary Jo DeJoice
Director, Booth Library
304.637.1359 | dejoicem@dewv.edu
Searching for West Virginia government resources? WV.gov is the place to start.
The Federal Depository Library Program was established by Congress to ensure that the American public has access to its Government’s information.
Participating libraries establish a profile with the Government Printing Office. Documents are sent that fit the Library's established profile. For Booth Library, the profile reflects the curricular needs of the College.
History of GPO's Federal Depository Library System:
Government resources within a Library are usually organized using the Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) Classification System.
The resources within this system are organized by the agency that created it. For example: documents with the designation of "A" were created by the Agriculture Department; D = Defense Department; etc.
Courtesy of University of Minnesota Libraries