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Data & Statistics: Data/info resources by subject


By Subject - Open Access Sites

Business & Economics

Annual Economic Surveys (U.S. Census Bureau): Annual economic surveys cover selected sectors of the U.S. economy and feature industry and geographic statistics that supplement those published in the economic census.

Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA): prepares national, regional, industry, and international accounts that present essential information on such key issues as economic growth, regional economic development, interindustry relationships, and the Nation's position in the world economy.

Monthly Labor Review: Provides descriptions and data on labor statistics covering employment, unemployment, hours, earnings, consumer and producer price indexes, wages and work stoppages.

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Research Guide:   Created at Booth Library this research guide examines sources used in the study of Criminal Justice.


EPA data finder: This site is a single place to find a vast selection of EPA data sources, organized into topics such as air and water that are in easily downloadable formats.

ESP Data Registry: The data sets registered here are associated with articles published in the journals of the Ecological Society of America. See individual registry entries for citation information as well as usage rights.

Ecological Data Wiki: The site is as a source for identifying ecological datasets and quickly figuring out the best ways to use them. Just think of it as the Wikipedia of ecology data.

Nat'l Phenology Network: Phenology data available for download, explore through visualizations, and search for other phenology data sets.

VertNet: takes four classic vertebrate networks (FishNet, MaNIS, HerpNET, ORNIS), to combine them into a single integrated data portal.


Fast Facts about Education (IES): Quick statistical information on a variety of US education topics, with links to supporting studies. Updated regularly.

UNESCO Education Databases: Education data from UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

National Center for Education Statistics: National data on schools, enrollment, and outcomes for all levels of education; on-line data is located under two sections of the main menu: Encyclopedia of ED Stats and Survey and Program Areas and includes elementary, secondary, and higher education statistics; library, literacy, and international statistics. Also includes the Schools Staffing Survey and Integrated Post-Secondary Education Survey, codebooks and press releases.
Family & Health

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Data & Statistics

Centers for Disease Control - Health Statistics
Nat'l health care surveys; vital statistics; public use data (health), etc.

Global Health Observatory (WHO)  
Provides access to over 50 data sets from the World Health Organization (WHO) via an interactive database bringing together core health statistics for the 193 WHO Member States.

National Survey of Family Growth (CDC)

OECD Health Statistics

International Sources
CIA World Factbook
The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.

Demographic Yearbooks (United Nations)

International Statistical Agencies (will return soon)
Listing of country statistical agencies provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Public Opinion
World Values Survey (WVS): is a global research project that explores people’s values and beliefs, their stability or change over time and their impact on social and political development of the societies in different countries of the world.

National Science Foundation's Science and Engineering Statistics: Publications, data, and analysis about science and engineering resources in the US.
NOAA National Climatic Data Center (NCDC): is the world's largest repository of weather and climate data and information. Data sources are as varied as handwritten observations to satellite and radar imagery less than an hour old.

West  Virginia
WVU’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER)

WV Election Results Center